Meghan Markle Accused of Lying About Her Age In Latest Bonkers Conspiracy Theory

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Over the course of the past seven years, Meghan Markle has been at the center.

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Of just about every sort of conspiracy theory and smear campaign imaginable.

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Toxic tabloid outlets have claimed that Meghan wears a concealed microphone while speaking with her in-laws.

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And the Duchess has been accused of poorly executing her curtsies on purpose as a way of showing disrespect to the royals.

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But the most bonkers claims have come from within Meghan’s own family.

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Meghan’s half-sister, Samantha Markle, has made a career out of slandering her sister.

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And sadly, the public’s thirst for anti-Meg criticism is so powerful that Sam can usually find a receptive audience.

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The con artist is her own worst enemy, however, as she takes a scattershot approach in her attempts to ruin her sister’s life.

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As a result, the lies Sam tells in her books often contradict the ones that she tells on social media.

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