Kim Kardashian: Kylie and I Are Twin Souls!

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Kim Kardashian: Kylie and I Are Twin Souls!Kylie Jenner recently admitted that Kim Kardashian is her favorite sister — for the moment, anyway.

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The two shared a hot (perhaps even unnervingly so) mini-photoshoot.

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Kim posted it, calling Kylie her “twin soul.”

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That’s sweet … but some wonder if it’s an effort to deflect from Kylie’s drama last week.

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If that was the plan, it’s not working. Kim is getting clowned in the comments just for being in the photos.

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On the surface, the photos of Kim and Kylie are pretty “normal,” albeit only in the Kardashian family.

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And perhaps in certain rural and largely unfair stereotypes about the Deep South.

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“Twin souls,” Kim captioned these photos. Kylie replied with “I love you” with many repetitions of the letter U for affect.

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One of the photos just seemed a little up-close-and-personal for sisters. Particularly for sisters wearing bikinis.

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